The idea of the minimum money (or facilities) a citizen can survive on is approached in many ways. Some propose an idea of Universal Basic Income. Others, a minimum wage. In many countries the welfare system aims to provide everyone enough money that they can live in relative comfort, but is often taken advantage of by bad actors.
A system focused on progress through hard work, aiming for upwards progress, should provide people the basic facilities they need to live, eat, be healthy, and be educated (in forms of houses, schools, hospitals, libraries and other essential institutions). It however not provide so much that we bypass the human systems of motivation for work. For example it should not provide the ability to purchase luxuries, and live a higher standard of life, without effort. If too much benefit is provided, many people won’t bother to do the hard work necessary for human progress.
In the same essence it should provide the infrastructure necessary to make it easier for someone to work and continuously develop, whether this is transport, electricity and in the modern age basic access to the internet.